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Through the initiatives of Drs Pelletier and Martel-Pelletier and their team, funds have been raised and capitalized to establish and uphold the Chair in Osteoarthritis and the Osteoarthritis Research Unit. In addition, one of the missions of the holders of the Chair is to organize an annual fundraiser.

The funds thus amassed have enabled the recruitment of new researchers, physicians, and graduate students (trainees, Master’s, doctoral, postdoctoral students, and fellows). They have also contributed to the addition of new research programs and the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment. The Chair has thus established the Unit as a centre of excellence in osteoarthritis research whose visibility and reputation are today reflected in the many publications, presentations and invitations to speak nationally and internationally. To date, several researchers and students of the Unit have also received prestigious international awards for the excellence in their work.

Thanks to the dedication and commitment of the Directors and members of the Osteoarthritis Research Unit, the Chair in Osteoarthritis has, since its debut, been a remarkable success. Moreover, many applications that are now either in use or are targets for the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis patients, have been developed by researchers in the Unit, and demonstrate the efficiency of their specific pragmatic approach.