The generosity of our donors enables us to achieve our mission and make a difference in the lives of osteoarthritis patients.
You may support our cause by making a general donation, donating in memoriam or in honour.
General Donation
Contribute to our cause by making a donation today. You will receive a tax receipt for your generous donation.
In Honour Donation
Make a donation to honour someone who is celebrating a special occasion (such as a wedding anniversary or birthday). You will receive a tax receipt for your generous gift.
In memoriam Donation
Make a donation in memory of someone who has passed away. You will receive a tax receipt, and we will acknowledge your thoughtful gift by sending a card to the bereaved family or another designated recipient.
You can choose to donate by
- Online payment
If you wish to donate by mail or online, please fill-out our online donation form:
Make a donation!You can also print and complete the donation form with your credit card information and fax to 514 412 7582 or email to
Regardless of how you choose to give, you will receive a tax receipt.